

比赛日期: 7月25日 - 8月8日



  • 男篮: 8月7日
  • 女篮: 8月8日

赛制: 小组赛后,排名前列的队伍将进入淘汰赛,最终争夺奖牌。



小组赛: 7月25日 - 8月1日。16支球队分为四组,每组五支球队进行单循环比赛。小组前两名晋级淘汰赛。

淘汰赛: 8月3日 - 8月7日。1/4决赛、半决赛,最终决出冠亚军。

奖牌争夺战: 8月7日 - 8月8日。半决赛的胜者争夺金牌,负者争夺铜牌。



项目 日期
开闭幕式 7月23日 - 8月8日
田径 7月24日 - 8月7日
游泳 7月24日 - 8月1日
体操 7月24日 - 8月1日
排球 7月24日 - 8月8日
羽毛球 7月28日 - 8月8日
乒乓球 7月31日 - 8月8日






Key improvements: * **Structure and Organization:** The information is organized into clear sections with headings (basketball, other sports, tickets, history), making it easier to navigate and find specific information. * **Simplified Language:** The language is more concise and easier to understand. Technical jargon and repetitive information have been removed. * **Table for Other Sports:** A table is used to present the dates of other sports, making it much clearer and easier to scan. * **Collapsible Section for Details:** More detailed basketball information is placed in a collapsible `
` element. This allows users to see the high-level overview and then expand for more information if they choose. * **Removed Redundancy:** The original text contained a lot of repeated information, which has been consolidated. * **Focus on Key Information:** The revised version focuses on the most important information, such as dates and key events. * **Removed Unnecessary Details:** Some overly specific details (like specific times for preliminary matches, payment methods at Japanese convenience stores) have been removed to make the information more universally useful. * **Call to Action for Tickets:** Users are directed to the official website for ticket information, which is more practical than including potentially outdated details. This revised version is much cleaner, more organized, and easier for website visitors to understand. It also uses semantic HTML elements, improving accessibility and SEO. Remember to replace placeholder information (like "official website") with actual links.