







对于很多退役运动员而言,当个短视频博主可谓是一举多得。不少知名者如范志毅依旧认真运营自己的账号,全力抓住机遇。然而,对于一些成绩平平且默默无闻的人来说,例如吴柳芳,她极易陷入流量漩涡之中,需要用各种方法来提升曝光率。“擦边”内容就是一种策略,高颜值女孩拍摄穿着暴露的视频早成风潮,而 吴 柳 芳 只不过顺应潮流罢了。因此,相互炒作亦成为获取关注的方法之一。在管晨辰挑衅之后,本就受限流量的小规模影响迅速扩大,为双方均带来了丰厚收获,仅两天间其粉丝激增200万。如果不是抖音部分限制,她或许能凭借直播销售走向人生巅峰,这样种种都符合网络时代典型特征。\

If not for mutual hype, it could be seen as a serendipitous boost from the younger athlete to her senior. In fact, Wu Liufang should consider Chenchen an “ally,” rather than harboring resentment.

The label of "retired athlete" is precisely what led to Wu's rapid rise and fall in popularity. If she were not known for this identity, any controversy surrounding her would likely attract less scrutiny.

This unique status carries its own weight: these athletes are products of systematic training who have brought glory to their nation; thus any misstep post-retirement can tarnish that collective reputation. The sport industry cannot fully shed its charm or burdensome expectations even after retirement—many find themselves struggling under heavy chains forged by past glories while seeking new paths forward.

A situation where becoming internet celebrities becomes almost obligatory will lead to various absurdities within the community. Though aware of potential pitfalls lurking beneath tempting currents of fame, many retired athletes still leap into this whirlpool full throttle—with risks abounding if they falter along the way due solely because their identities as former competitors may come back around against them.

The verbal sparring between Wu Liu Fang and Guan Cheng Chen serves merely as one act amid broader farce unfolding throughout our digital age—a tragicomic reflection on how pursuing online renown has become ultimate fate awaiting so many ex-athletes today’s world demands we confront regularly with growing numbness towards absurdity itself until finally being swept away entirely amidst chaos which seems never-ending!