

博格巴敲诈案庭审争执不断 兄弟或面临3年监禁建议

据媒体描述,当地时间周三18时40分左右,随着检方向“博格巴案”提出量刑建议,第六日的庭审气氛骤然紧绷。随即,在二楼走廊传来阵阵喊声,引起注意。一群正在旁听的人和被告间展开了一场口角。这些旁观者似乎想要寻求某种解释,而局势逐渐升级,让现场充满火药味。对此,马希库尔-K 的律师勒伯奎耶立即提醒道:“这里到处都是摄像头,你们不能在法庭内吵架。”

就在混乱之际,一位询问这位律师为何会有争斗。他回应称,“有人在法廷上恐吓被告”,并指出这些人在前一天也曾出现在现场。不久后,该事件引起另一名辩护律师姆贝科-塔布拉介入,他将聚集的人带离镜头视线,以减少骚动。同时,为确保安全,当地警察也应运而生,将他们 escort 出去。然而,即使是在外部环境中,对话依旧热烈且不乏争论。有一名叫布巴卡尔-C 的人还尝试劝说马希库尔-K保持冷静。在警方协助下,此次风波最终才得以平息。

博格巴敲诈案庭审争执不断 兄弟或面临3年监禁建议

This chaotic scene occurred just after the prosecution had presented its sentencing recommendations for six defendants. Following a lengthy three-hour presentation, prosecutors proposed various prison terms ranging from three years for Matias Pogba (one year of which could be converted to house arrest) to eight years for Rushdan K., who is considered a key figure in this case.

The incident revolves around an extortion scheme involving Paul Pogba, where he was allegedly threatened by two masked individuals demanding €13 million under the pretense of security services fees. While Matthias Pogba, known publicly as one of the accused, does not face charges related to illegal detention like his five co-defendants do; however all were reported experiencing financial distress at that time according to prosecutors.

博格巴敲诈案庭审争执不断 兄弟或面临3年监禁建议

The court session is expected to conclude Thursday afternoon with final arguments starting at 1:30 PM local time regarding other involved parties including Adama C., Bubakar C., Mamadou M., and Rushdan K.—the last being referred as mastermind behind this “Pogba Extortion Case.”

  • Prosecution Sentencing Recommendations:
  • Matthias Pogba: 3-year sentence with 2 years suspended; possible home confinement (electronic tag); fine €10,000.
  • Adama C.: 5-year sentence with 1 year suspended; fine €20,000; weapon possession ban for ten years.
  • Mamadou M.: Similar conditions as above - totaling also up-to-five-years imprisonment penalties alongside fines imposed on others mentioned here too!