12月8日讯 北京时间周日凌晨,拜仁慕尼黑在主场以4-2战胜海登海姆。赛后,德国媒体《图片报》对拜仁首发球员的表现进行了评分,其中萨内的表现被认为不尽如人意。




  • 门将:佩雷茨 - 4分
  • 后防线:
    • 博伊 - 4分
    • 于帕梅卡诺 - 4分
    • 金玟哉 - 3分
    • 戴维斯 - 4分

    < li >< strong >中场:< / strong >
    • 基米希 -3 分
    • 帕夫洛维奇-3 分
      • 奥利塞:-四点;
      • ; , 格雷罗 : 三点 ; , 萨内 : 五点 ; , 穆勒 : 四 点. table { border-collapse: collapse; width:100%; } th, td { padding:10px; text-align:left; } tr:nth-child(even) {background-color:#f2f2f2;} tr:hover {background-color:#ddd;} h1,h5,p{margin-left:.75em;margin-right:.75em;text-indent:-.25em;font-family:sans-serif;color:black;} h5{text-decoration:none;} a,a:hover{ color:red !important; text-decoration:none!important;} #title img{display:block;width:auto;height:auto;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;border-radius:.375rem;background:white;padding:0 .125rem;border-top-width:max(0,.1875rem); border-bottom-width:max(0,.1875rem);} #main-image img{width:min(max(.5625*min((90vw),(max(-9999,-49999))),15),45vh);height:min(max(min((90vH)-30,(max(-9999,-49999)))),40)} img[src$='.jpg'],img[src$='.png'] {object-fit:center cover} .icon-box i { position:absolute;top:-7%;left;-50%; } @media screen and (orientation: landscape){ .title-imgs{ transform-style:preserve-3d; }} /* Add any other styles you want here */ .container-fluid{ overflow:hidden; /* * Flexbox for centering vertically within the container. */ display:flex; /* * The following properties ensure that contents are centered both horizontally and vertically. */ align-items:center; /* justify-content to center content in a row. */ justify-content:center; // You can also add padding or margin as needed. // This will help create space around your elements. } /*.container-fluid p:last-of-type::after{ content:''; position:absolute; bottom: 20%; // left: // right: }*/ footer, header, .main-footer, .footer-link-container, .pagenavbar{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:no-drop;%i:userselect:nono} .header-title{} .smooth-scroll {} .hentry header{} .author-name{}