12月9日讯 在回澳大利亚休假之前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访。他对过去一个赛季进行了总结,并谈到了与上海申花之间的争冠局势,希望这种良性竞争能够吸引更多支持者。








体坛: 作为曾经执教日本和澳大利亚联赛,都获得过冠军,如今来到中超第一年就拿下冠军,你如何评估这三国联赛或足球的发展? < p >< strong > 穆斯 卡 特 : 我想比较是人的天性,但要注意不同情况。例如,澳超实施工资帽,日本则没有。此外,中超同样有限制外援及本土球员薪资。这使得简单比较非常复杂。不过,中超赛事水准相当高,与几个月前相比,更加积极主动,有助于提升球员实力。同时,各国国家队成员大多数效力海外俱乐部,比如日本约50至90名选手分布欧洲各地。所以,每个国家都有值得学习之处 。特别想提到的是,中国超级联赛观众热情极为可贵。在某些客场比赛里,会感受到如同主场般温暖;因此,当讨论海港队的时候,不禁向那些支持者致敬,他们让我深切体验团队合作带来的成就感,也希望他们感觉自己是成功的一部分。 < p >< strong > 体育 : 在中国,人们往往看重结果而非过程,你是否希望传达一种新理念给中国 球迷? < / P > < P >< Strong >Muskate: I think valuing results is not unique to China; it's a global phenomenon, as in Australia too. The investment should focus on children around ten years old because they are the future of football. If you only chase immediate success with current players, it’s tough to achieve long-term progress. We need to nurture young talent and believe that each generation will surpass the last—this approach isn’t just focused on outcomes but aims for sustainable performance over time.

The key lies in preparation leading into effective performances which ultimately create better chances for winning matches.

This summer several European clubs approached me about coaching positions, yet I declined due to timing considerations and my commitment here at Shanghai Port where we’re moving positively forward.

You mentioned Postecoglou earlier; how significant has his influence been on your career?

: He has had a profound impact! Working together for nearly fifteen months allowed me insight into his philosophy towards football management—a principle-driven mindset crucially important when translating ideas onto visible team strategies accepted by players during games!