- 射正次数: 上赛季2次 vs 本赛季2.2次
- 进球数: 上赛季0.7个 vs 本赛季1个
- 助攻数: 上塞Season 0.4个 vs 本賽season 0.8個 li >
- < strong > 创造机会 : strong > 去年 每九十分钟两点三 次 versus this season two times . li >
- < strong > Direct passes: last year was zero point seven, while this year's is zero point five . li > < Li >< Strong style = " font-weight: bold; "> Successful dribbles: Strong style = "font-weight:bold;"> Last season one time ,this season is one point eight times.
- Dribble success rate :.35% in the past compared to51%.67%in current seasons but can’t be lower than that. 确保犯规 : 整整一年 一比一。 请注意,上述内容经过优化,使其更加易于阅读与理解,同时适合放置在网页中展示。