

据悉,在今年的比赛中,不仅会有来自全国各地顶尖水平队伍参加角逐,并且还增设了更多新颖刺激有趣项目,例如三人制比赛、扣篮大赛等内容。同时, 本次活动还特别邀请到NBA知名教练以及退役明星球员进行现场指导和分享交流, 让整个比赛建立起专业性与娱乐性并存完美结合!


此外, 工艺品展销、农产品集市等周边配套活动也是精心设计安排. 另外值得关注 的是 当晚 还 将 会 在 篝火 晚宴 中 公布 并 颁发 各项 奖项 , 届时 将 能够 直接 见证 到优胜者 和 冠军 的 获奖时刻.


对于许多居住在城市里忙碌工作生活的人们来说,“巫门篮球节”提供了一个放松身心、感受田园风光与享受体育竞技魅力相结合 The village basketball carnival: The sports event in Wumen Town is about to open!

Recently, a famous rural sports event in Guangdong Province is about to be grandly opened in Wumen Town. As an annual traditional activity, this event known as the "village basketball carnival" attracts countless sports enthusiasts and spectators to participate.


Wumen Town is located in a remote area of ​​Guangdong Province with abundant natural resources and profound historical and cultural heritage. And now, with the joint efforts of local residents,"Wu Men Basketball Festival" has become one of the most representative and influential mass sports events in the region.

It is reported that this year's competition will not only have top-level teams from all over China competing but also introduce more novel and exciting projects such as three-person matches,...